One-stop shop for professional writing and editing services. Allow my voice of persuasion and research skills to formulate an eye-catching document that captivates any audience. Designed for new entrepreneurs who need assistance with administrative tasks, college students short on time and need assistance creating and editing papers, nonprofits committed to applying for grants/loans to offer better services to others, and for-profit companies who also need administrative assistance in compiling financial reports, structure, creating and formatting marketing material.
Grant Writing
$150 per application or percentage of award amount over $1000
Includes non-profit and for profits; research of selective grant, drafting, composing and formatting material based on criteria; deadline submission guaranteed
Academic Papers, Essays, Reports
$100+ (add $50 for writing tips)
Outlining, researching, drafting, and compiling final product; APA guidelines and others included; Pricing includes up to 4,000 words; Increase of $50 per 1,000 words (includes additional edits)
Cover Letter and Resume
$75+ per job application
Research company and craft cover letter tailored to job description; format resume to add powerful key words that expands on client’s skill level; $25 for each additional cover letter designed
Content Creation
Craft written material that's sure to make an impression - product/website description, creative writing for introductions and speeches
Proofreading Services
Critique content and offer feedback for improvements; learn how to develop editing skills by utilizing common tools and techniques
Grant Writing
$150 per application or percentage of award amount over $1000
Includes non-profit and for profits; research of selective grant, drafting, composing and formatting material based on criteria; deadline submission guaranteed
Academic Papers, Essays, Reports
$100+ (add $50 for writing tips)
Outlining, researching, drafting, and compiling final product; APA guidelines and others included; Pricing includes up to 4,000 words; Increase of $50 per 1,000 words (includes additional edits)
Cover Letter and Resume
$75+ per job application
Research company and craft cover letter tailored to job description; format resume to add powerful key words that expands on client’s skill level; $25 for each additional cover letter designed
Content Creation
Craft written material that's sure to make an impression - product/website description, creative writing for introductions and speeches
Proofreading Services
Critique content and offer feedback for improvements; learn how to develop editing skills by utilizing common tools and techniques